Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 33

I spent the day photographing a church for an art competition. It's the most time I've spent in church in a long time.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 31

We've been keeping track of kids' growth over the last five years on our kitchen wall. Not just our kids, but neighbor kids and friends, too.

Day 30

Day 29

This is popcorn on the cob. My step-daughter brought this to us from her work.

Day 28

Day 27

Honey Dripping

Honey on Bread

Homemade bread with our bees' honey. (I realize these next many shots are grasping. I was pretty close to death's door for the last week. They're the best I could do.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 24

The U.S.S. Hornet and other members of the Navy's ghost fleet, just before sunset.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ferry Ride

The antique fishing ship, the Balclutha, was docked in Alameda today. It was the subject of the very first article I wrote, way back when. I was allowed on board, and below deck, as they were refurbishing her 11 years ago. I'm not sure why she's back -- probably a touch-up. Unfortunately, none of those shots came out so great (although a couple are on my pbase site), so I've chosen a different one from my ferry ride today, from the port of Oakland.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 22

Outside of my house, straight up, three geese flying west.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 21

I've seen others do a series of shots, but haven't really tried it myself.

It's a Toss-Up

Last night I was feeling rotten from this plague I can't seem to shake and was already in bed watching BBC's Qi by 9 or so. I hadn't taken my photo for the day, and frankly, didn't care. I saw something, suddenly, fly into my line of sight several times, and sat up to see what was going on. Molly the Cat had found a deflated balloon and was throwing it into the air with her mouth, and swatting it. I grabbed my camera and started shooting. Here are two. The rest of the series are on my pbase site.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Two today!

Acton. Laughing. His Valentine's bear in a bear hug.

Could Be Commentary

If I'd poured milk in the bowl, I suppose this could be seen as an indictment of American's raising their kids on sugar; but I didn't. And for good reason: it would've ruined the candy hearts. Happy Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm starting to hate this. J and I always disagree on which picture to post each day. We like different things; as a consequence, I'm never sure if I've chosen the best one.

Today I drove The Boy and three of his closest friends to Dundracon, so, before and after the drive, they became my subjects. I was disappointed with my ability to capture them. I also experimented with black and white, and am only partially happy with the results.

So, which picture to post? How about this one: The four of them made a pact to lay claim to one of the hotel rooms just for themselves, instead of sharing with some of their other buds.

And which one did J choose? He chose three. They're on my pbase site: 03, 20, and 06. Because I'm not an objective party, I'd love to hear any thoughts on the group. Which is your fave? Which doesn't work for you?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keep Out

This fence was put up after a small, apparently toxic building was torn down on this spot several years ago. The yellow signs are relatively new, keeping walkers away from the water and the docks and, today, the 8 sea lions sunning themselves just beyond.

(See my pbase site for more from today.)

Pipes, Cogs, Wheels and Weeds

February 11th. I don't know what this was when the Navy was here, but it's striking on this cloudy day, with its handsome, symmetrical red pipes and beach grass. How lucky am I to live here?

The Monkeys Bring in the Ox

Is it possible? Am I alive?

Despite this bug, I've still been snapping some shots. They're not overly inspired. This day, the 10th, I literally took shots around the office where I spent some of the day. The 11th, I snapped some shots from the car as I was being driven across town. You get the picture. ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hack, hack, wheeze

No new picture today. I'm shivering and feeling pretty sick. I'll post two in the next coming days to make up for it.

In the meantime, here's an oldie: Some fellow local beekeepers. J wrote the article; I snapped the photos. We learned a lot from them as we were starting our own hives.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Been All They Could've Been

We found these brave soldiers buried in our backyard -- a former Navy captain's house -- and planted them on the outlet next to our bathroom sink. They've stood armed and ready to defend, directly in front of the posted Q-Tip box warning about ear canal insertion, ever since.

Last Night

The daylight makes it easier to get good shots. I'm working on this glitch in my ability. In the meantime, this was taken at a friend's house last night, from my perspective.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Rainy Day Around the 'Hood

There are so many pix from yesterday and today that I liked -- including a couple of shots of Steve Fossett's catamaran, dry-docked nearby -- it's been hard to narrow it down to one. Please see my pbase site (link over there to the right ---->) for more. This one's a reflection of the entry sign to Hangar One vodka, in a puddle of water.

Also, just put in an application to participate in a local photog art contest. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Base Building

Today's photos turned out so beautiful because of the rain, and blue skies peeking through. The whole lot is on my pbase site. This one is the peeling paint from one of the old buildings on the base. The late afternoon light caught it just right, turning the side of the building a gorgeous yellow with pinkish highlights.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


There are so many interesting items, that you could take dozens of pictures at Julie's Coffee & Tea Garden and there wouldn't be a bad one among them. This is a rooflike structure out back.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Her Fling With Betty Boop

I must, must, must remember to take my camera with me when I leave the house. Although, The Girl's room is a great source of inspiration for this red-loving mama.

Monday, February 2, 2009


This has been a pretty long day -- guiding a client through their edited proofs; looking up grammatical and formatting standards; editing their rewritten sections. I like others better from my brief shoot, but this one best sums up today, I think.

If anyone has tried to comment, but can't, you're not alone. I've been unable to figure out how to leave comments on other people's blogs. They simply don't show up, or the verification word never shows up. If you know how to remedy this problem, drop me a line.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This was taken at Dashe Cellars, an East Bay, urban winery. The front entrance, from the inside out.